I dreamed of summer, green and gold. 
The sun, he knew his strength of old--
coolness dwelled in night and rain,
and all things knew their place again. 
But a whisper came, a wintry breeze;
the leaves fell tumbling from the trees,
and I awoke to something strange--
I remembered. Seasons change.
I thought then as I stopped a while
that this place here was more my style.
On and on here could I stay--
I kind of liked life lived this way. 
But a rumor came of wheels and need;
my suitcase gaped its jaws in greed,
and as I packed I remembered how 
there is no always here for now.

I longed for somewhere I could rest.
The fox has holes; the bird his nest.
I said I'd follow where'er He tread--
He said He had no place for His head.
A stranger to here, out looking for home,
don't know where I'm going, how long to roam;
but He's King of a country where I belong,
and there gleams a city with foundations strong.

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